
Thanks for looking out. Even in these most difficult times, we are still able to help you in overcoming all that is stopping you from leading a happier and peaceful life. All you need is your willingness and an internet facility.

Are we still helping clients?

Yes! We are. We connect with you directly via virtual platforms like ZOOM, Whatsapp Video, BOTTIM and Google Meet. We have been using these platforms for years to work with our international and outstation clients. Since lockdown this has become the new norm across globe.

Virtual platforms:    Zoom  Whatsapp  Bottim  Google meet

Are the sessions equally effective?

Yes! without any doubt. Online sessions have exactly the same outcomes as in-person sessions. Don’t go by our words. Experience it to believe it.

Client feedback

Madhuri is excellent at her work. During my emotional downs she was able to counsel me also I took therapies from her and I could resolve the emotions I was carrying. Some emotions are like a bag we keep carrying which is not required on our back and keep feeling burdened all the time. She helped me to let go of those baggage’s I was carrying unknowingly and I am feeling much better today.

– Varsha (Dubai)

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Love & Light

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frequently asked questions


frequently asked questions

We understand that you probably have a few questions about the different modalities that we use and exactly how they are able help you achieve what you want.  We’ve anticipated some of these and answered them below. Simply click on the question to see the answer.

If you have a question you’d like to answer and would like to know more about how we can help you, you can call us for a complimentary consultation or fill in the quick contact form.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness in which your logically analytical conscious mind is made to relax sufficiently so as to allow the much deeper levels of your subconscious mind to be utilized for your benefit.

If all the answers to all the problems are within us, why can't we find them on our own?

It is so because there is a way to get such deep-rooted answers. Hypnosis is one such technique which when learned enables you to get all of them.  The answer was always there but you choose not to exercise that option due to various conditioning and belief system and in the process never happy for the choices you make.

Will hypnotherapist control my mind?

No, in clinical hypnotherapy it’s you who is in control and that’s why you come with your own solutions. A hypnotherapist can just guide you to reach your own inner part of your mind- the subconscious.

What type of problems can be handled with hypnotherapy?

Any problem related to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, martial aspects.

What age group can be hypnotized? Is it safe?

Hypnotherapy is 100% safe. It is suitable for any age above 8 years. In the case of minors, consent of the parent is to be obtained.

How many sessions are required and for how long?

Depending upon the problem of an individual, each person may need a minimum of 2 sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours for like poor study habits to anywhere from 3-10 sessions for bedwetting, cigarette smoking, alcoholism, sexual problems, aches and pains, fears and phobias, relationship issues and much more.

What happens during a Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy session?

The hypnosis session begins with a slow gradual transition so that you can get relaxed while taking you into a deeper and deeper state of relaxation. As you’re breathing, the heart rate slows down, the brainwaves slow down as well. Your body is relaxed and your mind is relaxed. Expect to feel revitalized after a hypnotherapy session!

How will I feel?

Some people experience the warmth and maybe some heaviness of the legs and arms; and a reluctance to move or speak. Very often people think they have not been hypnotized because they didn’t really feel that different and could still hear everything that was being told to them.

Will I loose consciousness?

In a normal session, you will remain aware of everything around you. Your subconscious mind hears everything and you are aware of internal experiences.

Will I fall asleep?

When you are in a hypnotic trance, you are not actually asleep because it’s just your body which is relaxing not your mind. You will hear everything said during a session because your subconscious mind is actively taking part in the entire process so even if you do fall asleep, the “suggestions” will still be absorbed into your subconscious mind.

Can the hypnotherapist make me do things I don’t want to do? Is this mind control?

No one can make you do or say anything you don’t want to do in or out of hypnosis. This isn’t mind control. The old model of hypnosis from scary movies and novels says that the hypnotist does something to you, puts you under, and makes suggestions to you that you then have to carry out. Hypnotherapy is a process where the conscious mind is put to relax and seep into the subconscious which knows all our past, present, and future.

Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?

No, it’s just like the conscious recalling of any past event when we sit with friends or relatives remembering our old days. So do we get stuck recalling them?

What happens in hypnotic trance state?

You are able to see/ feel many moments of your life which you were not consciously aware of. Many of which might have answers to all the problems you are facing. Thus, it will enable you to look within.

How does it feel to be Hypnotised?

It feels great! As it’s an altered state of awareness so its very relaxing and at the same time its great amount of alertness too. Hypnosis is a natural state that we feel almost couple of times in a day like just after getting up from sleep, watching some engrossing t.v shows, etc.

How much will I remember?

It depends. Some people remember everything after a session and some people remember in parts.

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