Family Constellation

Also known as systemic constellation, Family Constellation is an experiential process designed to release and resolve deep-seated issues within and between individuals. The method creates a representation of a person’s energy field, enabling a comprehensive exploration of interpersonal situations and complexities. The process offers insight into the hidden dynamics within a family and helps to understand and heal these issues. The best part is that the process doesn’t need every family member to be present physically

Who can benefit?

  1. If you’re facing challenges in dealing with significant life events, such as early deaths, major accidents or illnesses, divorces or separations, complications during childbirth, adoptions, abortions, etc.
  2. If you have persistent physical symptoms (such as obesity, anorexia, asthma, panic attacks, ulcerative colitis, cancer). The therapy complements medical care and is not a substitute for it; a thorough medical assessment and treatment are necessary first.
  3. If you’re facing a strain in your relationships, such as with parents, partners, or children
  4. There is an ongoing money or business problems
  5. If you’re feeling unrecognized barriers to success, marriage, creativity, and harmonious relationships
  6. If you feel inertia and lack of motivation

How does the therapy work?

Before we begin with any constellation, we discuss objective and existing issues with the client. With everyone seated in a circle, the client intuitively selects representatives associated with their issue and places them within the circle.

The client then steps back and observes the interactions among the participants, which reveal the story of their life and the origins of their issues. The facilitator guides the process for all participants, steering the constellation towards a resolution.


  1. Receive profound insights on an experiential level to accept, remedy, or resolve deep-rooted situations
  2. Gain a deeper understanding of the relationships with the people and elements in your life
  3. Become aware of why people and elements in your life behave the way they do
  4. Develop compassion for others as you gain a better understanding of them
  5. Understand the impact of your actions and thoughts on others
  6. Gain the opportunity to observe the hidden dynamics of persistent situations in your life, revealing the bigger picture

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