TASSO, Netherlands

By EKAA in affiliation with Tasso International

Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Tasso Institute is globally recognized as a leader in regression therapy.

What is Tasso?

Tasso International is a branch of Tasso Institute BV, a Dutch company. It serves as a Training Institute for Transpersonal Coaching and Therapy.

When was Tasso established?

The current Tasso programs are a direct continuation of Hans TenDam’s management development activities that began in 1970, and his regression training initiatives that started in the Netherlands in 1983 and expanded internationally in 1986.

It has 6 Modules. Each module is of 5 days, different topics are covered in the modules, theory, demonstration & practice rounds after the demo is done among the participants to then the debrief of practice rounds are done to help students clarify their doubts, there is a supervised practice round from module 2 till module6. Participants are marked & supervised to understand their depth of grasp in this field. 

There are 3 set of open text book exam and participants are marked for that.

In module 6,  Hans TenDam or Marion Boon comes to take this level and based on the final score students are awarded the final certification.

Prerequisite: Participants must have completed  EKAA Level 4

In the Introductory Level, you will learn:

  • Basic Skills
  • Intake and Induction
  • Reliving and Regression
  • Personification Aura-Exploration

Duration – 5 Days

Upon reaching the Second Level, you will be introduced to the spectrum of:

  • Accident Trauma Release
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Hangovers and Postulates
  • Inner Child Work
  • Birth Trauma
  • Pre-Natal Trauma

Duration – 5 Days

The Third Level will include the following topics:

  • Life Plan and Life Choices
  • Releasing Attachments from Living Persons and Ancestors
  • Releasing Attachments from Entities

Duration – 5 Days

In the Fourth Level, our professionals will guide you through the following:

  • Traumatic and Hangover Lifetimes
  • Painful, Confused, Unnoticed, Overwhelming Deaths
  • Positive Lifetimes and Shy Lifetimes

Duration – 5 Days

The Fifth Level will broadly discuss the following:

  • Complicated and Karmic Lifetimes
  • Pre-human Lifetimes (Animal, Spiritual, Extra-terrestrial)
  • Higher Self Interventions
  • Patterns through Different Lifetimes and Integrative Sessions

Duration – 5 Days

The Final Level will open up the doors for the following themes:

  • Great Integrations
  • Core Issue Exploration and Transformation
  • Homing Sessions

Duration – 5 Days

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