We recognize that you may have questions about the various modalities we employ and how they can assist you in achieving your goals. To address this, we’ve provided answers to some common questions below. Simply click on a question to view the answer.

If you have additional questions or want to learn more about how we can help, feel free to call us for a complimentary consultation or fill out the quick contact form.


What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness in which your logically analytical conscious mind is made to relax sufficiently to allow the much deeper levels of your subconscious mind to be utilized for your benefit.

If all the answers to all the problems are within us, why can't we find them on our own?

It is so because there is a way to get such deep-rooted answers. Hypnosis is one such technique which when learned enables you to get all of them.  The answer was always there but you choose not to exercise that option due to various conditioning and belief system and in the process never happy for the choices you make.

Will the hypnotherapist control my mind?

No, in clinical hypnotherapy it’s you who is in control and that’s why you come with your own solutions. A hypnotherapist can just guide you to reach your own inner part of your mind- the subconscious.

What type of problems can be handled by hypnotherapy?

Any problem related to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, martial aspects.

What age group can be hypnotized? Is it safe?

Hypnotherapy is 100% safe. It is suitable for any age above 8 years. In the case of minors, consent of the parent is to be obtained.

How many sessions are needed and for how long?

Depending upon the problem of an individual, each person may need a minimum of 2 sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours for like poor study habits to anywhere from 3-10 sessions for bedwetting, cigarette smoking, alcoholism, sexual problems, aches and pains, fears and phobias, relationship issues and much more.

Can the hypnotherapist make me do things I don’t want to do? Is this mind control?

No one can make you do or say anything you don’t want to do in or out of hypnosis. This isn’t mind control. The old model of hypnosis from scary movies and novels says that the hypnotist does something to you, puts you under, and makes suggestions to you that you then have to carry out. Hypnotherapy is a process where the conscious mind is put to relax and seep into the subconscious which knows all our past, present, and future.

Can the hypnotherapist make me do things I don’t want to do? Is this mind control?

What happens in hypnotic trance state?

You are able to see/ feel many moments of your life which you were not consciously aware of. Many of which might have answers to all the problems you are facing. Thus, it will enable you to look within.


What does a Hypnotherapist/Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner do?

A Clinical Hypnotherapist employs hypnosis to aid individuals in overcoming various challenges such as anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, and weight management. By inducing a hypnotic state, they deliver therapeutic interventions, suggestions, and customized support, empowering clients to achieve positive changes and reach their desired outcomes.

What is the process and exams for becoming a certified hypnotherapy practitioner

To become a licensed Hypnotherapist, you must first complete all five levels of the training program. Following this, you will enter the internship phase, where you are required to handle 10 pro bono cases, ensuring to heal and resolve them, and submit all documentation in the provided standard format. Additionally, audio recordings of five of these cases must be submitted.

The final step involves an interview. After submitting your 10 case studies to EKAA, you will have a final interview with CHII, conducted either via Skype or in person. Upon successfully passing the interview, you will be granted a license to practice as a therapist.

How many case studies need to be done for the hypnotherapy course?

10 case studies, submit them to EKAA. Upon passing the interview you would receive a license to practice as a therapist.

What is the duration of the hypnotherapy course?

Our Hypnotherapy Training Course spans one year, with each level scheduled to allow ample time for you to absorb and understand the material before progressing. However, you have the flexibility to complete the full training at your own pace, as long as you attend all levels in their entirety, without missing any training days. Please note that Level 5 is only offered once a year, in December.

Can I miss a few classes during the course of training?

If unforeseen circumstances require you to leave early or take a leave on any specific day, particularly at the beginning of the training, it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed content and ensure you are fully up to date before the next level of training.

Myths and Facts of Mental Health

Myth: Mental health problems are a sign of weakness.

Fact: Mental health issues are not a sign of weakness. They are medical conditions that affect the brain and can impact anyone, regardless of strength or character. Seeking help is a sign of strength and self-care.

Myth: Therapy is only for people with severe mental health issues.

Fact: Therapy can be beneficial for anyone, regardless of the severity of their issues. It can help with everyday stress, personal growth, and improving overall well-being, not just severe mental health conditions.

Myth: Mental health problems are rare.

Fact: Mental health issues are quite common. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 3 people will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives.

Myth: You can ``snap out of`` mental health issues by yourself.

Fact: Mental health issues often require professional support and treatment. While self-care strategies can help, they are usually not sufficient on their own. Professional help provides structured support and strategies for managing and overcoming these challenges.

Myth: Mental health conditions are just a phase and will go away on their own.

Fact: While some mental health issues may improve over time, many require treatment and support to manage effectively. Early intervention can help prevent conditions from worsening.

Myth: Children and teens don’t experience mental health problems.

Fact: Mental health issues can affect people of all ages, including children and teenagers. Early intervention and support are crucial for young people to develop healthy coping mechanisms and emotional resilience.

Myth: Mental health problems are caused by personal failings.

Fact: Mental health conditions are influenced by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. They are not caused by personal failings or a lack of willpower.

Myth: Only professionals can understand and help with mental health issues.

Fact: While friends, family, and support groups can play a supportive role in providing understanding and support, whereas mental health professionals are trained with specialised knowledge to provide treatment

Myth: Mental health conditions are not as serious as physical health conditions.

Fact: Mental health conditions are just as serious as physical health conditions. They can impact overall quality of life, physical health, and well-being. Treating them with the same seriousness is essential.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!