
Detox Your Mind: How Access Bars Can Help You Release Negativity

We live in a fast-paced world, where every day we need to deal with negativity and stress, all of which can lead to mental strain and anxiety. In such cases, you might feel stress, apprehension, and a pervasive sense of being stuck become daily companions. The underlying truth is that it’s possible to escape such a state of mind and clear your mind by starting afresh.

While seeking professional help from a therapist in Kolkata can be a great option, there are additional methods you can explore for “mental detox”. One such intriguing method to achieve this mental cleansing is Access Bars therapy. This is a gentle treatment using a light touch on the head. This therapy helps individuals to release unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, thus promoting mental clarity and ensuring overall well-being.

The burden of negativity

Negativity can cast a long shadow over our emotional and mental well-being, affecting every aspect of our lives. This pervasive force often manifests as chronic stress, and anxiety, creating a heavy burden that can be very difficult to brush off. Imagine constantly feeling a sense of self-doubt that starts affecting your work, leading to heightened stress and anxiety before you go to the office every day.

This self-doubt, a form of limiting belief, can stem from negative past experiences and reinforces a cycle of fear and underperformance.

Similarly, carrying unresolved emotional baggage, due to problems in your personal life, can lead to a general sense of unhappiness and hinder the development of new healthy connections.

The weight of constant worry and self-criticism can also impact our physical health, causing sleep disturbance, fatigue, and even chronic health issues. Recognizing and addressing the burden of negativity is crucial for fostering a fulfilling life. Understanding how negativity influences our well-being, as you take proactive steps to counteract its effects and cultivate a healthier, more balanced frame of mind is important.

The detoxification analogy

Just as our bodies can accumulate toxins from unhealthy food, pollution, and stress, our minds can also accumulate negative emotions and thoughts. This buildup can lead to mental fatigue, emotional imbalance, and overall distress. In the same way just as a physical detox can clean our bodies of harmful substances and rejuvenate our physical health, a mental detox can clear the mind of stored negativity, leading to improved emotional well-being and complete mental coherence.

Access Bars offers a unique approach to mental detoxification through the concept of “GETTING YOUR BARS RUN.” This technique involves a practitioner lightly touching specific points on your head, which are said to correspond to different aspects of your life such as sadness, joy, healing, communication, etc.

This gentle touch is believed to release the negative energy stored in these areas, facilitating a process of letting go. This process can help dissipate the mental and emotional buildup, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall mental clarity.

How does Access Bars work?

Access bars are a gentle, non-invasive energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and mental precision. The treatment involves a trained practitioner touching 32 points on the head, known as “Bars.” These points are believed to correspond to various aspects of life, such as sadness, creativity, money, healing, body, control, and awareness. Each bar holds the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, decisions, attitudes, and beliefs you have ever had about everything. Through touching these points, practitioners believe that accumulated negative energy can be released that is stored in our body and mind.

During an Access bar session, typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, allowing for the release of accumulated negative energy. The aim is not to diagnose or treat specific medical conditions but to facilitate a state of emotional well-being and balance. Clients often report feeling relaxed, lighter, and mentally stable after a session. Access Bars focuses on cleaning mental clutter and thus releasing negativity. This holistic approach offers unique ways to enhance mental and emotional healing through the power of gentle touch.

Potential benefits of Access Bars

  • Stress reduction: One of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of Access Bars is the profound relaxation and stress relief that many individuals experience. The gentle touch can help activate the body’s natural relaxation response, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Emotional balance: Negative emotions and unresolved traumas can cause emotional imbalances. Access Bars can help release these stored emotions, leading to greater emotional stability and resilience.
  • Mental clarity: By releasing stored negative thoughts and emotions, Access Bars can help clear mental clutter, leading to improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with problems related to decision-making or overthinking.
  • Improved sleep: People report experiencing better sleep quality after an Access Bars session. The relaxation and mental clarity achieved during the session can help calm the mind, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.
  • Increased energy: When our body and mind releases the stored-up negative energy, individuals find themselves feeling more energised and motivated. This shall lead to increased productivity, ensuring you have a more positive outlook on life.          

What to expect during a session?

During an Access Bar session, you are expected to be in a calm and relaxing environment. You will lie down comfortably while the practitioner gently touches the specific points on your head. The experience is usually deeply relaxing, and many people feel a sense of tranquillity and peace during the session. The practitioner’s role is to facilitate the release process, thus helping you let go of the negative thoughts, energy, and mental clutter.

Is Access Bars the right solution for you?

This holistic approach offers a unique way to enhance mental and emotional health through the power of gentle touch. If you are open to exploring alternative therapies and are curious about new ways to enhance your mental well-being, Access Bars could be the right choice for you, allowing you to experience a sense of peace, reduced stress, and improved mental precision after sessions.


Access Bars therapy presents an intriguing possibility for those seeking a mental detox. By gently releasing negativity and promoting relaxation, it offers a pathway to a fresher, more positive mental state. If you are curious about exploring this method further, consider seeking out an Access Bars practitioner to experience it firsthand. Remember, the journey to a clearer mind and lighter spirit begins with the first step toward letting go of what no longer serves to improve you. Embrace the potential to release negativity and welcome a fresh start.